My husband is an expert at making pizza. Every once in a while we will have enough time in the mornings for him to make a breakfast pizza. It's phenomenal! He makes his crust and lets the eggs cook in the oven on the pizza. Yum!
Well, the other morning we were in a hurry (as usual) probably late because I wanted a cooked breakfast and not just cereal (as usual) and baby boy said he wanted pizza for breakfast. So I came up with these real quick! My husband was so impressed, which always makes me feel good!


We went on a road trip this weekend with my 2 1/2 year old. I had found a lot of great traveling ideas for kids. Most of the things were for older kids and didn't really work for my son. I found this great craft box and thought it would be perfect! It worked really well! He played with his cars and puzzle and watched tv and it was great as far as a 10 hr car ride goes!

I have so many favorite kitchen tools! I love tools that are 1. easy to use 2. make a process faster and 3 easy to clean. If its not all three I rarely use it. That said, these meet all those requirements.


I am so excited about this recipe! I love that apple dessert pizza they serve at pizza buffets. One of those cheap foods I remember enjoying as a kid.

I attempted this a while ago and it was dry and not very good. This time I looked up a recipe and they all called for caned apple pie filling. I don't like to buy per packaged foods so I found some recipes for homemade apple pie filling. So this is the entire pizza from scratch!


I needed something light and healthy for some wonderful ladies coming to my house today. This is what I came up with. When I started cooking often I really enjoied discovering the differences and similarities between recipes.

I had always wondered what the difference between an egg casserole, Fritatta and quiche. In an egg casserole I will put just a splash of milk on the eggs. In a Fritatta, you don't put any milk in. In a quiche there is more milk than eggs.


Almond Joy Popcorn

1/3 c uncooked popcorn

2 T olive oil

2 c dark chocolate

1 c shredded coconut

Heat olive oil in a large pot with a lid or if you have one of these fancy things:


So I forgot to make dinner for my husband who only had about an hour at home to eat. I made this in about 30 minutes and it was DELICIOUS!

After a little pinspiration, I came up with these. I was very impressed with how well they tuned out! They are everything you want in a bunch bar: sweet, healthy, chewy and moist.


Enchiladas is one of those foods that I crave! When I was pregnant one of the only CRAVINGS!!! I had was cheese enchiladas from Carettas. Chris and I were in class at UNO at the time so Metarie was completely out of the way from our drive from Gentilly to the Quarter. My sweet husband brought me anyway so I could have my cheese enchiladas. They were delicious!

Mama K's Kitchen Today