I found a recipe for these one time and they were pretty awesome. Honestly you cant go wrong with Nutella. The only problem was that it said to spread Nutella between two prices of bread. The Nutella to bread ratio was a little off so I decided that this recipe needed to be beefed up a little. I was thinking about it one night while laying in bed (because how to prepare food is mostly what I think about) and it just kind of hit me to literally stuff a piece of bread with Neutella. It was kind of brilliant.

Despite the fact my sister avoided the kitchen at all costs when we were younger she has become a great cook. I think the main reason she hated cooking is because she had to share a kitchen with women who made a huge mess and then she would have to clean! Here are a few of her favorite recipes!

FINALLY I have figured out how to make cheesy rice with brown rice! This is one of those things that Nana makes often and I love. I have started to buy all whole grain bread, brown rice and so on and wanted to recreate this very 'Merican dish but healthier.

One of the first things my mom let me cook by myself was brownies out of a box. I had made them often prior to this so I was confident that all my friends at my sleep over would be duely impressed at my abilities. So I made these brownies, put them in the oven, set the timer and let them cook. When they were done we excitedly cut them and divided them between us. One bite and I knew something was wrong. Actually I'm pretty sure they had an odd texture just looking at them. I figured out that I had not added the eggs. They were awful and we ended up throwing it all away! Thankfully I've gotten a little better since then!
My mom made these for us this morning! Super easy:

Despite what restaurants outside of south Louisiana serve, BBQ Shrimp is NOT shrimp with BBQ sauce! In its most basic form, BBQ Shrimp is whole shrimp sautéed in spices and butter. Emeild had a recipe on Food that sounded amazing (and time consuming) that I will have to try. Sometimes it is better to put a little more effort into your food! This is BBQ Shrimp the fast and easy way!

Tomorrow is my Dad's Birthday! We got most of the family together and had dinner at Voodoo BBQ. It was, as always, delicious!
If you want to make my Dad happy, feed him one of three things: peanut butter cookies, brownies or cherry pie. Tonight Nana (his mom) made him cherry pie. This is one of those desserts I grew up with so I have a fondness for it.

Last year I made my son PBJ cupcakes because his favorite food is PBJ samich as he calls them. One of our friends liked it more than my son did and I've been promising to make them for him for months I think! He and his wife invited us over dinner so I made him this cake.

Mama K's Kitchen Today