I am so excited about this recipe! I love that apple dessert pizza they serve at pizza buffets. One of those cheap foods I remember enjoying as a kid.

I attempted this a while ago and it was dry and not very good. This time I looked up a recipe and they all called for caned apple pie filling. I don't like to buy per packaged foods so I found some recipes for homemade apple pie filling. So this is the entire pizza from scratch!


Almond Joy Popcorn

1/3 c uncooked popcorn

2 T olive oil

2 c dark chocolate

1 c shredded coconut

Heat olive oil in a large pot with a lid or if you have one of these fancy things:

After a little pinspiration, I came up with these. I was very impressed with how well they tuned out! They are everything you want in a bunch bar: sweet, healthy, chewy and moist.

Y'all this might have been the best thing I have ever made... maybe.

Tomorrow is my Dad's Birthday! We got most of the family together and had dinner at Voodoo BBQ. It was, as always, delicious!
If you want to make my Dad happy, feed him one of three things: peanut butter cookies, brownies or cherry pie. Tonight Nana (his mom) made him cherry pie. This is one of those desserts I grew up with so I have a fondness for it.

Last year I made my son PBJ cupcakes because his favorite food is PBJ samich as he calls them. One of our friends liked it more than my son did and I've been promising to make them for him for months I think! He and his wife invited us over dinner so I made him this cake.

My two year old loves Popsicles but I hate him eating straight sugar. I bought these Popsicle molds during that whole Popsicle makin craze this past summer. I think they still have them at Walmart for $2. I usually make a smoothie for myself and freeze the leftover for N to have Popsicles. These were especially good because they had so much in them!

Mama K's Kitchen Today