Almond Joy Popcorn

1/3 c uncooked popcorn

2 T olive oil

2 c dark chocolate

1 c shredded coconut

Heat olive oil in a large pot with a lid or if you have one of these fancy things:

Add popcorn and keep it moving. I put a towl on top of the pot and roll it around until all the popcorn is popped.

Melt chocolate in a double boiler. If you don't have one, fill a large pot with water. Pot a large glass bowl on top. Do not let the water touch the water.

Boil the water and stir the chocolate until it melts.

Put the popcorn in a 9x12 pan. Drizzle the chocolate and coconut on top. Stir until well coated. Let dry on wax paper. Enjoy!

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