My husband is an expert at making pizza. Every once in a while we will have enough time in the mornings for him to make a breakfast pizza. It's phenomenal! He makes his crust and lets the eggs cook in the oven on the pizza. Yum!
Well, the other morning we were in a hurry (as usual) probably late because I wanted a cooked breakfast and not just cereal (as usual) and baby boy said he wanted pizza for breakfast. So I came up with these real quick! My husband was so impressed, which always makes me feel good!

Fast! Breakfast Pizza
For 2

2 tortillas
Chris' breakfast pizza sauce
1/2 a roll of breakfast sausage
5 eggs
2 T milk
1 t slap yo mama
Onion and peppers diced (optional)
1 c grated cheese

Preheat oven to 375. Place tortillas in a cookie sheet. Generously spread sauce on tortillas.
Heat medium skillet on medium heat. Cook sausage and put out onto a paper towel. Whisk eggs, milk and slap yo mama in a bowl. Scramble eggs in skillet, leaving them a little wet. Evenly spread on top of tortillas. Top with onions, pepper, sausage or anything else. Top with cheese.
Bake on oven until cheese is melted, about 10 minutes.

Chris' Breakfast Pizza sauce

1/2 c mayo or plain Yogurt
1 t slap yo mama
5-6 splashes of hot sauce (I like crystal)

Mix in a bowl. Add more hot sauce and slap yo mama to taste. Store in an air tight container in the fridge. If you make it with Yogurt it will last about a week. If you make it with mayo you can keep it in the fridge indefinitely. I don't think that stuff ever goes bad! Just kidding, don't do that...

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