I have made this for a long time. My housemate bought some dates to put in her smoothies as a natural sweetener so. I thought they sounded food in oatmeal. It was perfect because it was a good texture and a dark sweet flavor similar to brown sugar.

This is one of those things I made because I wanted something specific and I had to work with the meat I defrosted. I am kind of obsessed with sweet potatoes and carrots lately so I wanted a Shepard's pie with sweet potatoes. But, I had defrosted a whole chicken so this was my solution.
I need to think about a better name for this one. It is not shepherds pie because it is a chicken stock gravy and chicken instead of beef. Also, it has sweet potatoes instead of white potatoes. It isn't chicken pot pie because of the potatoes. Whatever it is it was awesome!

Obviously, I didn't make this but y'all should know about one of the best places to eat in New Orleans!! If you've never been, go!! How it works is you order the type of sausage you want, which is served on a beautifully made, steamed and toasted sourdough bun. Then you put whatever toppings you want on it! Or if you are adventurous, or just can't make up your mind because everything looks so good, you can order your dog Chef's Choice and they will create a glorious masterpiece on top of your hot dog. Go on a nice day and bring a bunch of friends so you can enjoy your hotdog the way it was meant to be enjoyed: outside, probably sweating (because its probably hot outside) and laughing!

My two year old loves Popsicles but I hate him eating straight sugar. I bought these Popsicle molds during that whole Popsicle makin craze this past summer. I think they still have them at Walmart for $2. I usually make a smoothie for myself and freeze the leftover for N to have Popsicles. These were especially good because they had so much in them!

I am not going to give you the recipe for the rice in this meal because it was awful. I have yet to master baked cheese rice and pork chops. But the cabbage was great and very easy.

My gama makes a version of this and calls it gofuther (go further but it ends up being gofuther because of our Texas slur). It is usually leftover chicken and veggies and cream of something soup. Not my favorite thing in the world, mostly because of the cream of chicken soup. So this is my solution to leftover chicken, veggies and it is best with leftover rice but you can make some too.
One of my best friends, Karelle, taught me how to make authentic fried rice. She said that the color on the rice comes from cooking the precooked rice for a long time, essentially roasting it in a skillet. That was interesting because I thought it came from the soy sauce so my fried rice always turned out mushy.


2 green apples
4 carrots
1 blood orange

Sweet and easy! I ended up juicing the orange with a citrus squeezer because I thought that would be faster than peeling it.

The first time I juiced I made orange juice. I put the whole orange in the juicer, not thinking about how the pith is bitter. It made my orange juice awful! So don't put citrus in a juicer!

First that pesky pineapple! I think because they are so big they seem scary, or maybe it's the spikes. Either way, they are not as scary as they look!

1/2 pineapple
1 mango
1 kiwi
1 red pear

Tropical acidic goodness!

Since I also had mango in my juice I thought I'd do a post on that as well! It is so hard to cut up because its slimey and it has a huge funny shaped seed in the middle. I think I saw this on Food Network but its been a while so I don't remember what show.

Mama K's Kitchen Today