My two year old loves Popsicles but I hate him eating straight sugar. I bought these Popsicle molds during that whole Popsicle makin craze this past summer. I think they still have them at Walmart for $2. I usually make a smoothie for myself and freeze the leftover for N to have Popsicles. These were especially good because they had so much in them!

8 Popsicles and a smoothie for mommy

1/2 c plain or vanilla Greek yogurt
2 T honey if you use plain yogurt
1 fresh squeezed orange
1/4 c frozen blueberries
1/4 c frozen strawberries
1/4 c frozen mango chunks
1/3 c frozen pineapple chunks

In a blender, layer the ingredients in that order. If you have an old blender like mine that is important anyway. Blend until smooth. Pour your smoothie and sip on it while you pour the rest of it into about 8 small Popsicle molds. Freeze Popsicles overnight and enjoy!

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