Looking for something healthy(ish) to satisfy that sweet tooth? How about a creamy, fruity, chocolatey Popsicle? I made these after attempting that banana icecream you've seen al over Pintrest. It started out with a good consistency and then got a little runny. They made awesome Popsicles though.

2 frozen bananas (take overripe bananas and break them into four pieces. Put them in a freezer bag in the freezer overnight)

1 t vanilla

10 cherries

2 T Nutella

Blend bananas and vanilla until smooth. I added a little almond milk so they would blend better. While that is going cut cherries in half and take the pits out. Put them in the blender and pulse once or twice. Not too much though. We have a ninja and it obliterated the cherries. I would have liked more chunks. Pour mixture into a bowl. Drop Nutella into bowl by the teaspoon or so. Stir then add to Popsicle molds. This made 2 Popsicles for me and I ate about 1/2 a Popsicle worth then. I had to try it right! Let freeze for at least 3 hours. Enjoy!

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